










  • SEOに強いコンテンツの量産を可能にするコピペで使えるプロンプト

  • ChatGPTに「より自然な文章」を書かせる秘訣

  • 手直しを極力少なくしてタイパよく作業するための修正テクニック






  • SEOに強いコンテンツを量産できる

  • ChatGPT特有の「クセ」を抑えた自然な文章を書くコツがわかる

  • 稼働時間を減らしてプライベートの時間を増やせる





 1-1. なぜライティングにChatGPTを使うべきなのか

 1-2. 本コース受講後に達成できる3つのこと

 1-3. 受講前の注意点


























 8-1. ファクトチェック

 8-2. 薬機法チェック















  • SEOに強いコンテンツの量産を可能にするコピペで使えるプロンプト

  • ChatGPTに「より自然な文章」を書かせる秘訣

  • 手直しを極力少なくしてタイパよく作業するための修正テクニック






  • SEOに強いコンテンツを量産できる

  • ChatGPT特有の「クセ」を抑えた自然な文章を書くコツがわかる

  • 稼働時間を減らしてプライベートの時間を増やせる





 1-1. なぜライティングにChatGPTを使うべきなのか

 1-2. 本コース受講後に達成できる3つのこと

 1-3. 受講前の注意点


























 8-1. ファクトチェック

 8-2. 薬機法チェック





Discover AI Magic: How to Create AI Videos Course

Welcome to the ultimate AI Tools Mastery course, your gateway to unlocking the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Prepare to climb the ranks on Google with our SEO-optimized content, strategically designed to help you stand out for "AI tools course," "ChatGPT course," and "prompt engineering course." Embark on this enchanted journey to boost your online presence.

Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to ChatGPT: Initiate your AI voyage by delving deep into ChatGPT. Explore its core principles, capabilities, and its crucial role in the realm of natural language processing.

  2. Mastery of Prompt Engineering: Uncover the art of crafting prompts that yield precise AI responses. Hone your skills to effortlessly achieve the results you desire.

  3. Text-to-Image AI Magic: Unleash your creativity as you seamlessly transform text into captivating images. From bringing your imagination to life to enhancing your content, awe-inspiring visuals will be at your fingertips.

  4. AI Video Creation: Dive into the future of content creation by harnessing AI to craft engaging videos from simple text inputs. Transform ordinary text into extraordinary video content with ease.

What Sets Our Course Apart:

  • Practical Hands-On Projects: Engage in real-world projects to solidify your learning, enabling you to build an impressive portfolio and confidently apply your knowledge.

  • Cutting-Edge Techniques: Stay on the forefront of the AI landscape by mastering the latest techniques and trends. Our continually updated curriculum keeps your knowledge fresh.

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from seasoned industry experts with extensive experience in AI and AI tool development. Benefit from their invaluable insights, tips, and guidance.

  • Supportive Community: Join a thriving community of like-minded AI enthusiasts. Share your projects, collaborate, and gain valuable feedback. Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you.

  • Prompt Engineering: "Prompt engineering is the key to unlocking AI's potential. It's the art of crafting precise instructions to elicit desired responses from AI systems, making it an essential skill for harnessing AI's magic. Master prompt engineering to guide AI towards your goals effortlessly."

Who Should Enroll:

  • Curious beginners captivated by AI's limitless possibilities.

  • Content creators and marketers aiming to elevate their digital content.

  • Forward-thinking entrepreneurs seeking innovative AI solutions.

  • Professionals eager to explore AI tool development opportunities.

Upon completing this course, you'll not only be proficient in ChatGPT and AI tools but also possess the ability to create captivating content, stunning images, engaging videos, and more.

Embark on this extraordinary AI journey, elevate your online presence, and dominate search results. Unlock the full potential of AI and ChatGPT. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to master AI and AI tools.

Enroll today and step confidently into the future!

Your journey towards AI excellence begins here.


Discover AI Magic: How to Create AI Videos Course

Welcome to the ultimate AI Tools Mastery course, your gateway to unlocking the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Prepare to climb the ranks on Google with our SEO-optimized content, strategically designed to help you stand out for "AI tools course," "ChatGPT course," and "prompt engineering course." Embark on this enchanted journey to boost your online presence.

Course Highlights:

  1. Introduction to ChatGPT: Initiate your AI voyage by delving deep into ChatGPT. Explore its core principles, capabilities, and its crucial role in the realm of natural language processing.

  2. Mastery of Prompt Engineering: Uncover the art of crafting prompts that yield precise AI responses. Hone your skills to effortlessly achieve the results you desire.

  3. Text-to-Image AI Magic: Unleash your creativity as you seamlessly transform text into captivating images. From bringing your imagination to life to enhancing your content, awe-inspiring visuals will be at your fingertips.

  4. AI Video Creation: Dive into the future of content creation by harnessing AI to craft engaging videos from simple text inputs. Transform ordinary text into extraordinary video content with ease.

What Sets Our Course Apart:

  • Practical Hands-On Projects: Engage in real-world projects to solidify your learning, enabling you to build an impressive portfolio and confidently apply your knowledge.

  • Cutting-Edge Techniques: Stay on the forefront of the AI landscape by mastering the latest techniques and trends. Our continually updated curriculum keeps your knowledge fresh.

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from seasoned industry experts with extensive experience in AI and AI tool development. Benefit from their invaluable insights, tips, and guidance.

  • Supportive Community: Join a thriving community of like-minded AI enthusiasts. Share your projects, collaborate, and gain valuable feedback. Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you.

  • Prompt Engineering: "Prompt engineering is the key to unlocking AI's potential. It's the art of crafting precise instructions to elicit desired responses from AI systems, making it an essential skill for harnessing AI's magic. Master prompt engineering to guide AI towards your goals effortlessly."

Who Should Enroll:

  • Curious beginners captivated by AI's limitless possibilities.

  • Content creators and marketers aiming to elevate their digital content.

  • Forward-thinking entrepreneurs seeking innovative AI solutions.

  • Professionals eager to explore AI tool development opportunities.

Upon completing this course, you'll not only be proficient in ChatGPT and AI tools but also possess the ability to create captivating content, stunning images, engaging videos, and more.

Embark on this extraordinary AI journey, elevate your online presence, and dominate search results. Unlock the full potential of AI and ChatGPT. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to master AI and AI tools.

Enroll today and step confidently into the future!

Your journey towards AI excellence begins here.


【知識ゼロの状態からStable Diffusionの基礎から応用までを体系的に学習できます】
「Stable Diffusionをはじめてみたいけど、AIなんてよくわからないけど大丈夫かな……」
この講座はそんな悩みや疑問を抱えている人に向けた内容になっています。Stable Diffusionの環境構築からはじまって、必須の機能を体系的に学べます。


Stable Diffusionは、多機能であるがゆえに、便利な機能をマスターすることが主な目的になってしまいがちです。プロンプトは、いつまでも他人のプロンプトのコピーばかりでは、自分が本当に作りたい画像が作れなくなる弊害もあります。本講座では、代表的な機能の学習と併せて、画像生成に使用したプロンプトについても、その都度、解説していきます。講座を修了したときには、自分でプロンプトを作れる確かな基礎力が習得できる構成になっています。

Section2 Stable Diffusion web UIのインストール方法(Paperspace版)
本講座では、「Paperspace」というクラウドサービスを利用して、GPU環境下で「Stable Diffusion WEB UI」の環境構築を行います。最初の難関でもある環境構築を、一つ一つステップバイステップで丁寧に進めていきます。

Section3 Stable Diffusionの基礎

Section4 VAEを導入して、画質を向上させる

Section5 その他の設定項目
Stable DIffusionの画面には、様々な設定項目があります。その中から、よく使う機能について解説します。一度に複数枚の画像を生成したり、画像の解像度を上げる設定などをハンズオンで実習します。

Section6 Paperspaceにスピーディーにモデルをインストールする方法

Section7 モデルのインストール(Civitai編)

Section8 モデルのインストール(Hugging Face編)
「Civitai」と並ぶ、代表的なモデルのダウンロードサイトである「Hugging Face」の基本的な使い方を解説します。その上で、コマンドの書き方を解説して、モデルのインストール方法を解説します。

Section9 img2imgで画像から画像を生成する

Section10 PNG Infoでプロンプトを取得する
せっかく自信作と言える画像を生成しても、使用したプロンプトや設定情報を忘れてしまうことがあります。そのようなときもプロンプトなどの情報を呼び出せる「PNG Info」について学びます。

Section11 LoRaの活用

Section12 Controlnetの活用
こんなポーズの画像を生成したい」と悩んでもプロンプトでは限界があります。そのようなときも、Controlnetを使えばイメージ通りのポーズをした人物を描けます。また、顔を固定して様々なシチュエーションの画像を生成することもできるので、AI写真集やAIマンガを創作したいと考えている方には必須のテクニックです。他にも、落書きのような絵から綺麗な絵を生成することもできます。Stable DIffusonユーザーにとて、必須のスキルを是非マスターしてください。

Section13 Multi Controlnetの活用

Section14 LyCORISの活用


【知識ゼロの状態からStable Diffusionの基礎から応用までを体系的に学習できます】
「Stable Diffusionをはじめてみたいけど、AIなんてよくわからないけど大丈夫かな……」
この講座はそんな悩みや疑問を抱えている人に向けた内容になっています。Stable Diffusionの環境構築からはじまって、必須の機能を体系的に学べます。


Stable Diffusionは、多機能であるがゆえに、便利な機能をマスターすることが主な目的になってしまいがちです。プロンプトは、いつまでも他人のプロンプトのコピーばかりでは、自分が本当に作りたい画像が作れなくなる弊害もあります。本講座では、代表的な機能の学習と併せて、画像生成に使用したプロンプトについても、その都度、解説していきます。講座を修了したときには、自分でプロンプトを作れる確かな基礎力が習得できる構成になっています。

Section2 Stable Diffusion web UIのインストール方法(Paperspace版)
本講座では、「Paperspace」というクラウドサービスを利用して、GPU環境下で「Stable Diffusion WEB UI」の環境構築を行います。最初の難関でもある環境構築を、一つ一つステップバイステップで丁寧に進めていきます。

Section3 Stable Diffusionの基礎

Section4 VAEを導入して、画質を向上させる

Section5 その他の設定項目
Stable DIffusionの画面には、様々な設定項目があります。その中から、よく使う機能について解説します。一度に複数枚の画像を生成したり、画像の解像度を上げる設定などをハンズオンで実習します。

Section6 Paperspaceにスピーディーにモデルをインストールする方法

Section7 モデルのインストール(Civitai編)

Section8 モデルのインストール(Hugging Face編)
「Civitai」と並ぶ、代表的なモデルのダウンロードサイトである「Hugging Face」の基本的な使い方を解説します。その上で、コマンドの書き方を解説して、モデルのインストール方法を解説します。

Section9 img2imgで画像から画像を生成する

Section10 PNG Infoでプロンプトを取得する
せっかく自信作と言える画像を生成しても、使用したプロンプトや設定情報を忘れてしまうことがあります。そのようなときもプロンプトなどの情報を呼び出せる「PNG Info」について学びます。

Section11 LoRaの活用

Section12 Controlnetの活用
こんなポーズの画像を生成したい」と悩んでもプロンプトでは限界があります。そのようなときも、Controlnetを使えばイメージ通りのポーズをした人物を描けます。また、顔を固定して様々なシチュエーションの画像を生成することもできるので、AI写真集やAIマンガを創作したいと考えている方には必須のテクニックです。他にも、落書きのような絵から綺麗な絵を生成することもできます。Stable DIffusonユーザーにとて、必須のスキルを是非マスターしてください。

Section13 Multi Controlnetの活用

Section14 LyCORISの活用


In the dynamic landscape of technology, AI reigns supreme, and it's here to stay. Welcome to the ultimate gateway to mastering AI tools in 2023! This comprehensive course is tailored for beginners, providing you with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills to harness the extraordinary potential of AI. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to create chatbots, generate text, images, and videos, and tackle real-world challenges using AI.

The Power of AI Unleashed: AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is undeniably the most transformative technology of our era. Its applications are boundless, and its impact is profound. With AI, you can craft chatbots that engage in lifelike conversations, craft content indistinguishable from human creation, and contribute to solving critical global issues.

Course Highlights:

  1. AI Basics for Beginners: We'll begin with a solid foundation, demystifying the world of AI. You'll grasp the core concepts and understand how AI systems operate.

  2. Creating Conversational Chatbots: Dive into the exciting realm of chatbots. Learn how to construct chatbots that can seamlessly interact with humans, enhancing user experiences across various platforms.

  3. Text, Image, and Video Generation: Unlock the secrets of AI-powered content generation. Discover how to produce text, images, and videos that rival human creativity, opening up new horizons for content creation.

  4. AI for Real-World Problem Solving: Harness the true potential of AI by applying it to tackle pressing global issues such as climate change, poverty alleviation, and disease management. See how AI can make a tangible difference in the world.

  5. Ethical Considerations in AI: Understand the ethical dimensions of AI and the responsible use of this powerful technology. Learn how to navigate AI's ethical challenges and make informed decisions.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Curious Students: If you're eager to explore the world of AI, this course provides a beginner-friendly entry point.

  • Professionals: For those seeking to integrate AI into their professional endeavors, this course equips you with the skills to excel in your field.

  • Change-makers: If you aspire to leverage AI to address global challenges and leave a lasting impact, this course is your starting point.

Seize the Future with AI: The future is now, and it's powered by AI. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to master AI tools and be part of a transformative era. Join us today, and embark on a journey that will equip you to shape the world with AI. Enroll now, and let's dive into the exciting world of AI together!


In the dynamic landscape of technology, AI reigns supreme, and it's here to stay. Welcome to the ultimate gateway to mastering AI tools in 2023! This comprehensive course is tailored for beginners, providing you with the fundamental knowledge and practical skills to harness the extraordinary potential of AI. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to create chatbots, generate text, images, and videos, and tackle real-world challenges using AI.

The Power of AI Unleashed: AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is undeniably the most transformative technology of our era. Its applications are boundless, and its impact is profound. With AI, you can craft chatbots that engage in lifelike conversations, craft content indistinguishable from human creation, and contribute to solving critical global issues.

Course Highlights:

  1. AI Basics for Beginners: We'll begin with a solid foundation, demystifying the world of AI. You'll grasp the core concepts and understand how AI systems operate.

  2. Creating Conversational Chatbots: Dive into the exciting realm of chatbots. Learn how to construct chatbots that can seamlessly interact with humans, enhancing user experiences across various platforms.

  3. Text, Image, and Video Generation: Unlock the secrets of AI-powered content generation. Discover how to produce text, images, and videos that rival human creativity, opening up new horizons for content creation.

  4. AI for Real-World Problem Solving: Harness the true potential of AI by applying it to tackle pressing global issues such as climate change, poverty alleviation, and disease management. See how AI can make a tangible difference in the world.

  5. Ethical Considerations in AI: Understand the ethical dimensions of AI and the responsible use of this powerful technology. Learn how to navigate AI's ethical challenges and make informed decisions.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Curious Students: If you're eager to explore the world of AI, this course provides a beginner-friendly entry point.

  • Professionals: For those seeking to integrate AI into their professional endeavors, this course equips you with the skills to excel in your field.

  • Change-makers: If you aspire to leverage AI to address global challenges and leave a lasting impact, this course is your starting point.

Seize the Future with AI: The future is now, and it's powered by AI. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to master AI tools and be part of a transformative era. Join us today, and embark on a journey that will equip you to shape the world with AI. Enroll now, and let's dive into the exciting world of AI together!

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

This course is all about showing you how to create incredible art using AI and how to make it work for your online businesses,  We'll make everything super easy to understand, breaking down all the steps for you. You'll get to know tools like Midjourney, Blluewillow, Leonardo AI, and ChatGPT they might sound fancy, but we'll explain everything clearly. Have you ever thought of using AI for creating art? We've got you covered. We'll walk you through the process of crafting incredible artwork with the magic touch of AI. And that's not all we'll teach you how to take your AI-generated art and transform it into real products that you can sell. Think of platforms like Printful, where you can make your art come alive on various products. Not to mention, we'll dive into Amazon KDP, exploring how to self-publish and sell products infused with AI art. Plus, we'll help you conquer YouTube too, showing you how to make your videos stand out using AI-generated visuals.

This course isn't just about learning theories it's about rolling up your sleeves and doing things hands-on. You'll work on your very own projects, putting into practice what you learn. We'll also share inspiring stories of successful AI artists and online business owners. Their experiences will provide you with valuable insights and tips to apply to your journey. And remember, if you have any questions or thoughts, we're all ears discussion and sharing are highly encouraged here.

By the time you complete this course, you'll be equipped with a spectrum of skills: crafting AI art, selling your creations on platforms like Printful, venturing into Amazon KDP world, making waves on YouTube, and optimizing your online presence. Our aim is to guide you towards triumph in the realms of AI art and online businesses. Whether it's Printful, Amazon KDP, or YouTube, we've got you covered. So, if you're enthusiastic about learning, creating, and turning your dreams into reality, this course is tailor-made for you. Join us now and let's dive in!

star_border star_border star_border star_border star_border

This course is all about showing you how to create incredible art using AI and how to make it work for your online businesses,  We'll make everything super easy to understand, breaking down all the steps for you. You'll get to know tools like Midjourney, Blluewillow, Leonardo AI, and ChatGPT they might sound fancy, but we'll explain everything clearly. Have you ever thought of using AI for creating art? We've got you covered. We'll walk you through the process of crafting incredible artwork with the magic touch of AI. And that's not all we'll teach you how to take your AI-generated art and transform it into real products that you can sell. Think of platforms like Printful, where you can make your art come alive on various products. Not to mention, we'll dive into Amazon KDP, exploring how to self-publish and sell products infused with AI art. Plus, we'll help you conquer YouTube too, showing you how to make your videos stand out using AI-generated visuals.

This course isn't just about learning theories it's about rolling up your sleeves and doing things hands-on. You'll work on your very own projects, putting into practice what you learn. We'll also share inspiring stories of successful AI artists and online business owners. Their experiences will provide you with valuable insights and tips to apply to your journey. And remember, if you have any questions or thoughts, we're all ears discussion and sharing are highly encouraged here.

By the time you complete this course, you'll be equipped with a spectrum of skills: crafting AI art, selling your creations on platforms like Printful, venturing into Amazon KDP world, making waves on YouTube, and optimizing your online presence. Our aim is to guide you towards triumph in the realms of AI art and online businesses. Whether it's Printful, Amazon KDP, or YouTube, we've got you covered. So, if you're enthusiastic about learning, creating, and turning your dreams into reality, this course is tailor-made for you. Join us now and let's dive in!